What can an Apple really do for health


An apple a day keeps the doctor away“, everyone must have heard this overly used proverb and nowadays young ones use apple in their various memes to keep the “Doctor” away.

This ‘fruit of temptation‘ is most popular among the fruits. On a serious note, some fruits envy him, maybe it has over 7600 varieties all over the world. Anyway, it’s their internal matter, the question is what can an apple really do for health? Let’s examine it-

1. Nutritional Values

The fruit is loaded with nutrition. Fat, Carbs, Protein, Water, Vitamins, Minerals, Flouride, Polyphenols, Phytochemicals, Flavonoids. You name it, the fruit has it all. 

What can an apple really do for health?

Values: USDA

2. Fights cancer like a pro

Apple contains high amounts of Polyphenols. These polyphenols (particularly epigallocatechin-3-gallate) act as antioxidants (Good Guys) and fight against the free radicals that cause the damage to cells and various body chemicals. In other words, apple checks the actions of enzymes responsible for cancer cells’ growth, it has anti-proliferative effects against cancer cells. Further, the fruit is especially beneficial against lung, breast, colon, and liver cancer.

FUN FACT: An Apple tree grows large if grown with the seed but remains small if grown with the root-stock (grafted into roots).


3. Say hello to a healthy heart

The Phytochemicals (Quercetin, Catechin, Phloridzin, and Chlorogenic acid) present in the fruit makes it quite an abled weapon to fight against Cardiovascular diseases. In other words, it decreases the lipid oxidation and lowers the cholesterol making things easy for the heart.

4. Protector of lungs

Latest studies show the link between lung health and the number of apples eaten per week. Five or more apples eaten in a week results in better lung functioning. Moreover, Apple is a protection against the COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). COPD is a general term for various progressive lung diseases.

5. Arthritis- No Worry- I got this

This study clearly states the fruit increases the range of motion and joint functions directly helping with Arthritis. 


6. Controls Diabetes

As stated earlier, apple simply decreases lipid oxidation and lowers cholesterol. It decreases serum LDL(The Bad Cholesterol)-concentration. Hence, it works against diabetes and helps with weight loss as well.

7. Prevents Asthma

Again, the phytochemicals in the apple make it quite capable to prevent Asthma. In conclusion, the health of the lungs gets considerably improved by consuming the fruit on a regular basis.

 What can an Apple do for health. Basket

 8. Chronic IBD

The fruit protects (with the help of Quercetin and Triterpenes) the intestine against the inflammation relieving the chronic IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease).

9. A boon for reproductive health

The study shows the effects of apple on women’s sexual health and the results are way positive. Well, Apple can help with a lot of things. 


10. Reduces the Risk of Obesity and promotes weight-loss.

It is highly beneficial for growing kids.  Polyphenols in the fruit improve glucose tolerance and also prevents fat deposition. Consequently reducing the risk of obesity in kids and promoting weight-loss too.

11. High-Blood Pressure Remedy

Apple is really a boon for high sea-salt consuming countries. Its flavonoid-rich peel with anti-hypertensive properties works like magic for the people suffering from the High-Blood Pressure.

12. Snap! Slows down the aging

All the components of apple increase the resistance to stress, slow down the aging and eventually extend the life-span.

FUN FACT: Apple dates back to over 10 million years.


13. Great for Skin

The anti-fungal and anti patulin properties of apple on preventing skin disorders. In addition, the Gluconobactor oxydans in the apple makes the skin radiant and lively.

14. More of brain

Yes, an apple a day prevents impaired cognitive performance and oxidative stress. This is due to the fact that the fruit decreases the oxidative damage of the brain. It results in enhanced brain functioning and better memory.

Are you not surprised by what an apple can do for health! It is a complete health package one should buy and consume regularly. An apple orchard will do too. 

How to Consume

It is best to consume the whole fruit. Morning to afternoon is the best time to consume. One may take the apple-juice also as long as it’s not processed or packaged. Please avoid sugar-syrup fruits. 



Beware of the inorganic or chemically induced or chemically-farmed apples. It can do more harm than good. One must consume organic apples.


The proverb is indeed true. Now we know what an apple can really do for health. Start eating more of em. Yeah as simple as that, well it is. Is it not?

Mr. Dogo just chillin


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