Processed Food-Burden for your body

Processed Food-Burden for your body?

What a degraded state that we are weakening our current generation and generations to come with the curse of processed food merely for the sake of our petty convenience. In modern times, most of the diseases are due to processed food. Before getting into the details let’s get to know-

What is Processed Food?

Any food that has been chemically changed/ altered from its natural existence is processed food. Canning Freezing, Baking or Drying and ready meals cover almost all the processed food. 

Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiency and lack of physical exercise.

-Mike Adams

To understand this better, some examples are- cereals (breakfast), tinned veggies or soup, bread, packed snacks, meat products, cakes, biscuits, packed milk, and other drinks. To add, everything at a fast-food restaurant is highly processed. 

Basically, packaged and baked. Not all the packaged food is unhealthy (like packaged raw rice) but most of it is. 

To put this in even simpler terms,

Packaged raw food is OK.

Cooked or chemically induced packaged food is a big NO-NO!

Majority of the food gets plastic packing, which itself is a cause of major health problems.  Now in some countries, all they eat is packaged or processed.

They can’t imagine consuming anything without packaging. Those are the countries with the maximum number of people suffering from ailments and diseases.

Why does Processed food harm us?

All the salt, sugar and fat count in the food does affect our body which is in excess in the processed or rather say toxic food. Moreover, A study shows eating processed food can increase your chances of breast cancer by more than 10 percent. 

In addition,

The science of Yoga states that it’s not just calorie counts that nourishes our body there is something beyond it, called Prana (lifetrons).

Prana is what propagates our lives, in fact, it regulates all the life present on the planet. Prana is the sum total of all the energy in the world. 

The Prana Shakti (power) becomes nil once the natural food is processed, packaged or cooked and served after a long time. Eating that food induces the Tamas (inertia) into the system inviting a whole host of diseases.

It becomes a burden for your body. To remind you, Death is the ultimate inertia. So all in all, the processed food hastens the death for you.

The cooked food go stale at a faster rate as compared to when it was raw. It is because the Prana Shakti gets diminished at a faster rate after cooking the food. That’s why you should eat freshly cooked food within half n hour or so after cooking.

Cooking processed food is like cooking the food that was cooked a long time ago. Why would any sane person do that?

People should free themselves from the claws and clutches of advertisement. One should not make life decisions based on T.V advertisements or any other form of silly advertisements.

Processed food Yes-No

What can you do?

1. Not everyone has the luxury to choose. But if you have why not choose the best food for your system

You can choose the fresh organic vegetables and fruits over the packed/preserved/cooked-ready ones.

2. The best thing you can do for your body is to-

Go for home-cooked meals with unprocessed food material.

3. Buy good flour and make your own bread. Buy organic whole fruits rather than buying packaged syrup fruits or packaged fruit juice.  You get the idea! right?


Processed/toxic food is dead food with no life in it. The body treats it as more of a burden than the source of life and nutrition. Eating from a Fast-Food restaurant is a disaster. Choose natural food, stay healthy, stay happy, and be blissful.

Mr. Dogo again

And this quote-

Health messages are simply overwhelmed, in volume and in effectiveness, by junk food ads that often deploy celebrities or cartoon characters to great effect. We may know that eating fruits and vegetables is good for us, but the preponderance of the signals we get (and especially the signals children get) push us in the direction of junk food. 

– Micheal Moss

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