7 Sleep Myths Busted + A Bonus trick to fall asleep anywhere anytime in just 15 minutes.
Sleep – the human mechanism (rather almost every living being) to recharge itself for a new day! What about owls? 🙄 Well, exceptions are always there! honey 😉
According to Merriam-Webster “Sleep is the natural, reoccurring state of most living beings in which they are unconscious of their surroundings, with a definite posture, dreams, and other vital brain functioning. It is essential for “recovery and restoration” for various functions of the body and the mind.“
Almost every person has weaved a personal theory around sleep, wrong or right. Today, let’s bust these baseless theories and myths about sleep.
1. The number one myth about sleep – 8 hours of sleep
A man should sleep for at least 8 hours per night. Well, this BS is going on for far too long now. Majority of people feel tired even after 10-12 hours of sleep and some feel like heaven even with 3-4 hours of sleep. The ‘8 hours of sleep a day’ theory thus fails.
Bottom line,
Our body needs rest not set hours of sleep!
2. Sleeping during the day is beneficial for health
Another BS. One shall never sleep during the day.
One can take a nap (not more than 40 minutes) if can’t control it. Long hours of sleep during the day induces a range of gastroenteric diseases in the body. Often feel the sour mouth/ acidity/ dizziness/Nausea after a long day’s sleep? Congrats you get the point.
Bottom line,
Nap is acceptable by the body but long hours of sleep are not during the day.
3. No link between food and sleep
This one comes from those who think the body is merely an addition and subtraction of calories. Sleep is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of the food.
Food is like fuel to our body. Imagine a diesel car running on patrol. It may still run. But will it run efficiently and at its optimum level? No way. Same for your body. Eating junk or eating too much will definitely result in sleep disorders.
Bottom line,
Bad food = Bad sleep.
4. It’s OK to work at night and sleep during the day
It is never OK to go against the cycles of nature. Never. Again, sleeping during the day and working at night will bring forth the gastroenteric diseases + complete reversal of body metabolisms leads to the final destination called Cancer.
There is a reason they call night shift as the “Graveyard shift”.
Bottom line,
Nature set night for the sleep and day for the work unless you are an owl. Are you an owl?
4 sleep myths busted time for a fun fact!
Fun Fact: On average, people spend 1/3 of their lives sleeping. That’s 30 years if you get to live a solid 100 years.
5. More/Less you sleep the better
Had it been true, Insomnia (little to no sleep/difficulty sleeping) and Hypersomnia (more than 10 hours of sleep) would never be a reality. It is the quality of sleep that induces the restfulness and freshness, never the quantity of sleep.
Bottom line,
Quality wins over quantity when it comes to sleep.
6. It’s OK to sleep watching T.V or listening to music
Many cases of people getting electrocuted and dying while they are sleeping + listening to music with their wired earphones on and phones charging simultaneously. That became a long-ass sentence, anyway, that’s one for the starter.
The primary reason is that sleeping to T.V or Music keeps the subconscious mind under an undue strain. Our body may sleep but our subconscious mind works 24×7 from our birth to death.
This undue strain may manifest as an undesirable effect(Unexplained Stress/Tension/Depression) in your life later on.
Bottom line,
Switch off the T.V/other gadgets before you sleep. Save yourself and electricity.
7. Postures don’t matter during sleep
You may sleep like a baby with your twisted spider-web like postures but you may develop a lifelong backache or other joints condition. According to one aspect of Hatha Yoga, everything in your body is a play of postures while sleeping or awake.
Bottom line,
Postures matter while awake as well as sleeping.
These are the 7 most common sleep myths busted. Generally, every person comes across these. Some follow these myths blindly and gets a bashing from the mother nature in the form of diseases and ailments.
Now you know about these myths. Never fall for these ever again.
Bonus Trick
So you want to sleep anywhere and anytime in merely 15 minutes? even if you are not sleepy. The trick is very simple yet not so simple.
Don’t move!
Yes, that is the trick. Close your eyes →Stay in one posture/position and don’t move even an inch (no exception-inch/scratch)→Breathe normally→You will fall sleep in 15 minutes. Better than never sleeping.