Why are round-based vessels best to consume the water in

Why the round based vessels are best to consume the water in?

Why are round-based vessels best to consume the water in?

Our body is 70% water. If we consume water the right way, almost all of our chronic ailments would dramatically come down. Yes, the main cause of diseases in the modern world is water.

Plastic Bottled water, RO Water makes the human body weaker day after day. It’s high time we come out of the claws and clutches of ruthless commercialization.

Also, people make their life decisions based on advertisements. Advertisements are to increase sales and not your health. Today, it is a rare chance that any company cares about your health. Earning money is a good thing but on the account of people’s health, don’t know if they justify that. 

Well, that drifted in a different direction but it was necessary. Coming to the main point,

Why should we consume water in round-based vessels?

It is because the water has surface tension (a force that binds the molecules of a liquid). Round-shaped vessels just decrease the surface tension of the water. The less this surface tension, the more easily the water will be digested and accepted by our body.

Our system absorbs water more efficiently. This results in a frictionless functioning of the system ensuring the well-being for a prolonged time.

Leave the water undisturbed for at least 40 minutes in the round-based vessel to get the benefits.

Some round-based vessels:


Round-based Vessel

Earthen pots and Brass water pots are the best way to store large amounts of water. You may refill the water in these pots after a day or two. It also enhances the “taste” of water.  Yes, water is a tasteless liquid in the “books”. 

Brass Water pot

You should use Earthen pots during summer and Brass water pots during the winter. 

Round Mug (Lota/Lutiya)

Why the round based vessels are best to consume the water in?

A round mug is best for the traveler. Just pack it with your stuff and you are good to go.

Round Kettles

Why the round based vessels are best to consume the water in?

One may also use round Kettles to store water a small quantity of water.

So, you may store the water in pots or kettle for the entire family, and then you can drink it with a glass. It takes around 40 minutes for the water to change its surface tension. So you are quite safe for forty minutes. You may drink directly from a round mug. 


You have got this one life. So why lead it in a healthier way? Make suitable amendments for your health. You shouldn’t just read and delay and forget. Make it practical, go get your round-based vessel and start using it for drinking water. 

Mr. Dogo

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