Get Angry Often? Read This!


Do you get angry often? To be straightforward, It kills you not the one/thing you are getting angry at. ‘Kill’ may seem like a strong word but that’s what it does. It gives a strong jolt to the peace of mind and wellness of your body. 

Irritation, Indignation, Resentment, Rage, Fury, and Wrath are all forms of anger, small or big.

So here is the thing about getting angry!

Right from the hip, when you get angry, you agitate your nerves in a severely negative motion. This results in toxicity.

The blood becomes toxic. Each cell of the body suffers, the nervous system receives a severe shock. One fit of anger shatters the nervous system entirely. 

Further, the studies (1 and 2) back up the above claims and more studies are going in the same direction. 


What’s the exact reason behind getting angry?

Again right from the hip, we desire things and when we don’t get the desired things/results, we become angry. The anger depends on the intensity and time-span (short-term or long-term) of the desires.

For instance, 

Person A- Could you get me a glass of water.

Person B- No, F**k You!

A*Gets Irritated*- You are jobless and hopeless, anyway. 

B*Irritated and mildly angry*- You think you are better than me? Is that why your husband divorced/Boyfriend dumped you? “You are all sorted and with a job?”

A*Angry in full swing*- What is your f**king problem? You worthless piece of sh*t. As long I remember, your mom married thrice and she is still single. 

B*rages*- You better keep your mouth shut or…

A*furious*- OR WHAT?

and this goes on and on until it either turns into an extreme verbal spat or even a fist-fight or some other form of violence and eventually results in hatred.

This is just an example, words or situations may vary. The central idea is that one small desire when unfulfilled can lead to disastrous outcomes. What to say of long term or intense desires. 

Wisdom Dog- Mr. Dogo

How Anger kills you?

All the diseases take roots from the mind- Psychosomatic. Again, getting angry means creating toxic thought waves shattering the whole nervous system.

Though one may not develop an ailment instantly, the constant toxicity generated out of anger results in various diseases and ailments over time. Bit by bit this toxicity springs forth something as serious as cancer. 

Moreover, Anger results in impulsiveness. It results in shattered friendships, relationships, companies beyond recovery.

It makes one person kill other people in the form of revenge. Decisions taken in anger result in resentment almost every time.

In short, all these factors combined make a person as miserable as it could be leading to painful death either by disease or extreme behaviors (murder/suicide).

The Yogic view of Anger

According to the science of Yoga, there are two subtler bodies (astral body and causal body) other than the physical body. A fit of anger produces a deep and lasting impression on the astral body.

Dark arrows shoot from the astral body. Even though the effect of a fit of anger subsides for a short time in the mind, the wave or vibrations continue to exist for days and weeks together in the astral body. 

You may have noticed people feel drained and miserable for days after an incident where they get angry till their innermost core, that’s because the anger still persists in their astral body.  


If you get angry often and becomes ok with it, you are pushing yourself over the line. There is a reason why they call it “getting mad”.

You become actually mad for the time you get angry and when you come back to your senses you realize the blunders you have done. 

You keep pushing yourself over the line of insanity and you will see that there will come a time when you won’t be able to come back. So nip the evil of anger into bud, learn how to eradicate anger once and for all. 

Also, A glass of water can cool things down, well! as long as you take it yourself. 

When wealth is lost, you have lost a little; when your health is lost, you have lost something; but when your peace is lost, all is lost.

-Paramhansa Yogananda

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