Practical Ways to Eradicate Anger-That Works!

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No more avoiding, No negotiations. Let’s learn the Ways to Eradicate Anger (that really works). There are tons of articles, books, and journals explaining anger or showing ways to minimize and avoid anger.

Does nothing really work? why? Because the roots are still there, you may pacify things for a few days and it crops up again and again. Don’t be a victim of anger anymore, here the practical ways to eradicate anger-

1. Be silent to anger.

Yes, you are in a heated argument and you have pretty good points to say. Don’t. Just Zip it. Observe Mauna (Silence). Become a silent witness. Let thoughts of anger come and go but you stay silent and still. You will understand about this later on.

When wealth is lost, you have lost a little; when your health is lost, you have lost something; but when your peace is lost, all is lost.

-Paramhansa Yogananda

2. Take the anger out for a walk!

What if you still can’t control it. Well then, leave the place at once and take a brisk walk for around 30 minutes. Now don’t fight people on the street. Don’t fume or frown, just take your walk. Let the thoughts run. You take the walk.

OK, you have temporarily dodged the bullet of anger. Do you have to do it daily? in every situation? No, that would be quite impractical. That was a temporary solution. Now, let’s go straight to the ways to eradicate anger permanently.


3. Control the tongue to eradicate anger.

The first step to permanently annihilate the anger is controlling the tongue.

What? Yes, hold on. You will get to know why. 

You see something, healthy or unhealthy, you want to taste it. Little of this little of that, people load up their stomachs – morning to the evening. Some like to eat at midnight too, a complete disaster for their health. That needs to be stopped completely. Do you not want to eradicate anger? 


The tongue is directly related to compulsiveness. Controlling the tongue means controlling the compulsiveness and eventually the anger. 

According to the science of Yoga, two meals a day are quite sufficient for a human being to be fully functional, physically as well as mentally.

You may take the liberty to have three meals. Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner. Take nutritious food agreeable to your system. No munching throughout the day.

Live sensibly, A person doing hard physical labor will have a different diet than a person who spends the entire day on a chair working. 

Also, take water when you are thirsty. Drop the “12 glasses of water a day BS”; the more water you drink more beneficial it is.

The tongue is controlled. What next?


4. Pranayama

Next comes the Pranayama or breathing techniques. Pranayama hands you control of the nerves and nerve currents. You have to practice the Pranayama daily in the morning without fail. 

What would it do?

It will enable you to regulate the energies of your body. It will also bring the mind under your perfect control. 

To a point where you tell the mind what to do instead of the mind telling you what to do (compulsion). A sure-shot way to annihilate anger. 

5. Don’t get attached

Never get attached blindly and madly to a person, place, or thing. Attaching yourself to something or someone means handing over the remote control for your happiness and overall mood.

They push the buttons and you react. Why would you want that in the world?

Don’t be a slave, be your own master. Soon you would see a sea change in your anger meter.

It’s one of the best ways to eradicate anger. 


6. Remember that this body is mortal – Always.

One fine day, it will be all over. We wish you 100+ years of life but imagine that you will die tomorrow.

How would you spend your day? In rage or in blissfulness? Would you not spend your entire day gracefully? Would you even care about trifling things about life?


When you remember 24×7 that this body is subject to death, your body/mind will automatically avoid anger and many other compulsive pitfalls.

This is why you were asked to ‘zip it’ in point number 1. 

7. Mantra

You don’t have the idea of death. Well, you can take your own idea/Mantra and literally LIVE IT with every breath. Mentally repeat it with every breath. Even when you are working. It could be any of the ideas you like. Please, don’t take anything wicked.

It will work wonders in diminishing the anger. 

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life- think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the muscles, nerves, brain, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

– Swami Vivekananda


To conclude, Control the tongue, Do pranayama daily, Don’t get attached to anything, Remember the sweet friend “Death” Always, or live an idea 24×7.

Controlling the tongue is sin qua non.

Is it tough? To be honest, initially, it will be tough as every new thing seems. It takes time to get over the old ways of the mind.

How much time exactly would it take to see the notable results?

It’s very subjective. Some may observe a change right from week one. Some may take more time. Generally, it takes 2-3 weeks to see a considerable change.

In 3 months’ time, you will be calm and serene. You would become clearly mindful of what’s going on around you.

Now don’t just read and forget. Implement it in your life. Reap the benefits. Follow it. Nay! Start from this very second.

Mr. DoGo

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