Never Mix Honey and Ghee together!


According to Ayurveda, Honey and Ghee(Clarified Butter) are two of the ingredients in Panchamrita (Super-mixture). Both the ingredients have an unmatched value for health and wellness. However, the science of Ayurveda forbids mixing honey with ghee in equal ratios.

The reason behind this is-

It creates a poison for the body that results in Ingestion and accumulation of the free radicals. That can lead to the ulcers and finally cancer. Yes, could be as fatal as cancer.  


Because the honey occurs naturally and the ghee is a by-product of milk. Milk, in fact, all the dairy products are severely susceptible and suitable for the bacteria to grow.

Ghee is a dairy product containing a tremendous value for a healthy diet but when we mix honey and ghee in equal proportions, the bacteria in the mixture multiplies and grows so rapidly that it becomes too toxic for humans to consume.

We cannot mix honey with other animal fats and oils too. Eating honey with radish also produces an extreme level of toxicity in the body. 

During the preparation of certain Ayurveda medicines, ghee and honey are mixed together but never in equal proportions. The mixture of more honey and less ghee is used for Kapha Dosa imbalance while more ghee and less honey is used for Vata and Pitta Dosha.


Don’t mix honey and ghee in equal proportion. You may enjoy the honey and ghee separately. Consuming two teaspoonfuls of Ghee daily keeps the old age and wrinkles at the bay. Similarly, there are numerous health benefits of honey.  

Neither Ghee nor Honey creates free-radicals. It is the mixture of honey and Ghee which produces the free-radicals.

Fancy Image of Honey Dripping into a Yellow pot


  • A bee’s brain has only 900 cells.
  • Due to its ‘pure state’ Ghee is used in spiritual practices from consuming, massaging to all the way lighting lamps with it.
  • A bee can only make 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its entire life.
  • Burning of ghee (Cow’s) produces oxygen. 
  • Honey contains natural preservatives. 

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