12 Health Benefits of Raw Forest Honey

Fancy Image of Honey

Thanks to the Flowers and the Bees, we have this amazingly delicious, sweet and vicious gift for our well-being. For thousands of years, Raw Forest Honey is traditional medicine in many cultures.

Honey has anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal and probiotic properties. It contains monosaccharides, glucose, and high quantity of fructose. It also has floral flavonoids.

Following are the 12 health benefits of Raw Forest Honey:

1. Gives a tough fight to cancer.

The flavonoids in the honey keep cancer at the bay. It reduces the cancer cells marginally. A study by NCBI verifies the claim. 

2. Heath HeartFancy Image of Honey

Honey keeps the heart safe and sound with the help of its anti-oxidant properties. People with heart conditions experienced improved symptoms after including honey in their diet. Again, the studies (1, 2) shows positive results.

3. Ulcers reduction and Gastric complications

Yes, honey can very well handle the stomach ulcers. The anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties make it able to treat the ulcers. The gut of the consuming honey person also remains healthy due to these properties.

4. Source of Instant Energy

Honey contains a wide range of nutrients: Sodium, Potassium, Carbohydrate, Protein, and Iron. Many Olympic athletes for the instant boost of the energy use this rich source of carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, and monosaccharides). Consuming honey for a long time does make a person strong and always full of energy.

Fancy Image of Honey5. Cough and Infection

For the ages, Ayurveda recommends honey as a remedy for the cough and minor throat infections. The anti-bacterial quality of honey can treat almost all types of cough.

6. Cuts and wounds

With its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, we can use honey to treat external cuts and wounds. Just beware of the ants and your pets if you opt for this. 

FUN FACT: It takes 550 worker bees’ lifetime to produce a pound of honey. During this, they travel around 85, 000 kilometers to collect nectar from 2 million flowers.

7. Helpful in Asthma or any other respiratory condition

Honey soothes the respiratory tract and hampers mucus build up. This helps people to feel relieved from asthma and other respiratory conditions.

8. Skin Benefits

Fancy Image of Honey

The people consuming honey on a daily basis will have radiant and spotless skin. Due to its antiseptic and anti-fungal, direct application of Raw Forest Honey on the face will surely reduce the pimples, dark spots and dead skin cells. Honey acts as an immunomodulatory agent and removes all skin disorders. It also enhances the complexion of a person.

9. Healthy scalps

Use the honey in your hair. It is as fruitful as eating. The antibacterial property of honey removes dandruff and strengthens the scalps like the roots of the banyan tree.

10. Improves Cognitive function and induces sleep

The foods rich in antioxidants will always help the brain to function sound and well. Honey is one of the foods that are rich in the antioxidants.

11. Good for HerpesFancy Image of Honey

Oh Boy! Girl! Man! Woman! Here it comes. Application of honey is a safe and effective method to reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease. This study by NCBI approves it.

12. Boots the Immune system

With all its amazing qualities mentioned, honey stimulates the growth of the Immune cells. In the long run, honey makes a marginal difference in the health of the consumer by strengthening the Immune System.

A big question: Can people suffering from diabetes take honey?

The Answer is YES. People suffering from diabetes can consume all the natural sugars but they cannot take the man-made sugars. Once processed foods lose their natural qualities, so does honey. There is no harm in taking organic raw forest honey but there is the harm in consuming the adulterated or even processed honey.

How to consume

Fancy Image of Honey

  • We can consume the “raw forest honey” with almost everything that requires powdered/crystal sugar. In simple words, it can replace the sugar (well in most of the cases).
  • We can use it in milk, yogurt or simply take a spoonful of it.
  • Take it in warm water with lemon juice to shed those extra kilos.


  • Do not consume more than 20-25 g in a day.
  • Never mix Honey and Ghee ( Clarified Butter) together in equal proportions.

Adulterated Honey

Beware of the artificial and unnatural honey while buying. There are methods to know if the honey is real, natural and organic. An impure thing does more harm than good.

At last,

Incorporate the raw forest honey in your daily diet to strengthen your body and mind, and to fight and treat all the diseases/ailments mentioned.

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