6 Infallible Ayurvedic Remedies to Gain Weight

Featured Image Weight Gain

The current situation is that either people are fat or people are skinny. However, skinny people face less health-related problems compared to the fat ones. Though, if the body looks like a box of bones, one should try to gain weight in the right proportion.

One has to see if their skinniness is due to some disease. He or she should try to treat and cure that disease first before following the hacks given below. In addition, in some cases, the thinness of the body is due to genetics making it quite difficult to gain weight but not impossible.

Furthermore, Eating less or staying hungry, having nutrition-less food, staying up until late night, no physical exercise or excessive physical exertion beyond the capacity of the body, fasting in excess, Stress-Depression-Grief, weak digestion are the main reasons of this condition. One should also amend his/her lifestyle and then follow these tips to gain the optimum benefits.

Without further ado, here are the 6 infallible Ayurvedic Remedies to gain weight –

1. The primary thing in weight gaining is digestion power. The first Ayurveda remedy is to improve digestion. There is a way given below.

Fasting-regime (for a week)-

Day 1- Take light food (Porridge/soups or anything light) and then after dinner consume Triphala powder (5-10 gm) with warm milk (desired quantity). 

Day 2- Don’t take any carbohydrate (Bread, meat or anything heavy). Just take the whole fruits and Vegetable soups.

Day 3- Take fruit juices (moderate quantity) every two-three hours. Nothing else than that.

Day 4- Just Survive on the water. You can consume some honey and lemonade.

Day 5- Follow the Day 3 again; take fruit juices every two-three hours.

Day 6- Follow the Day 2; no heavy stuff, whole fruits, and vegetable soups only. 

Day 7- As you know by now, follow the regime of day one.

Then, Slowly and firmly increase the quantity of food. This is the sure-shot way to enhance digestion power and then gradually gain weight.

Fancy Image of two women and a man.

FUN FACT: Blood makes up approximately 8% of your total body weight. 


2. Breakfast must be heavy then lunch should be lighter than breakfast and dinner should be lighter than lunch. Consume breakfast before 9 am, lunch between 12:30-1:30 pm and dinner before 7:30 pm.

3. Nutritious breakfast is indispensable. Take sprouts with your breakfast.

4. Take water at least 30 minutes before and 1:30 hr after eating food. Also, chew your food.

5. Consume some milk (with honey) after 2-3 hours of dinner. This will boost the process.

6. EXERCISE. Be it Yoga or treadmill or long brisk walks. Moves your body. Swimming is quite a good alternative.

You would feel and see the difference in about 2 months. There is no shortcut to things without harming the body. Moreover, it is impossible to gain weight without nutritious healthy food and appropriate exercise.

Fancy Image of a Plate full of fruits

FUN FACT: Latin term “Paulo mus” meaning “little mouse” gave birth to the word “Muscle” as the Ancient Romans thought that the flexed biceps muscle resembles a little mouse. 

With the above ways, some Ayurvedic tonics you can try-

1. Take Barley Pudding as breakfast regularly. Cook polished Barley (60 gm) in half a liter of milk. You will gain the essential body-mass in just about 2 months considering your skinniness is not due to some disease. 

2. Consume 2 ripe organic bananas and afterward take milk (according to your capacity) boiled with cardamom (small) powder and sugar-candy.

3. Take the mixture of Ashwagandha Powder (1 Teaspoonful) and Raw Forest Honey (1 Teaspoonful) with 250 ml milk (with sugar-candy) daily in morning and evening. This is quite a handy propellant. 

Above all,


Be happy, Smile whatever may come. Be blissful and follow the ways without much pondering about the results. Of course, you will get marvelous results if you follow these Ayurvedic Remedies to Gain Weight, just don’t waste your mental energy thinking about it endlessly. 

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