13 Infallible Ayurvedic Remedies to Lose Weight

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Fat is necessary for the body. Storing fat is our body’s survival mechanism. But this has become a bane in modern times where we have food in abundance. Around 2.1 billion people (30% of the total population) are obese/overweight around the world.

People suffer from obesity due to two main reasons; one is the heredity and the other is a seriously faulty lifestyle. People have no sense of responsibility for their body and health. The fallacious philosophy that it is the doctor’s duty to keep us healthy has ingrained deep into our minds. This is of great concern.

Also, this is equally helpful for those who are not fat but want to lose weight for a specific aim/body proportion. Whatever may be the reason or condition,

These are the 13 infallible Ayurvedic remedies to lose weight that are very effective-

1. Work out regularly. You knew it was coming. Do some form of exercise be it a brisk walk for an hour, swimming or playing a sport. You can also do the Asanas (Yoga-Postures) daily. It will benefit you permanently in weight loss.


Fancy Image of Tea dripping into a glass from a Chinese pot

2. Every day take a glass of lemon water (hot) + (morning+evening) on an empty stomach with some added rock salt. Please don’t heat the lemon water. Instead, squeeze the lemon in a glass of hot water.

3. Add a teaspoon of pure honey to a glass of hot water and consume it. Do this daily on an empty stomach in the morning. Yeah, an empty stomach is kinda vital when you want to lose weight!

4. Lick. Yes. You read that right. Mix pure honey with dried ginger (10 gm) and lick it all.

5. Mix some Tulsi (Basil or Ocimum tenuiflorum) leaves with the honey and swallow it.

A word of Caution: Never ever chew the Tulsi leaves. It will do more harm than good.

6. Eat organic Raddish with pure honey. Use the honey as sauce/dip. You can also consume the Radish Salad with a sprinkle of rock salt and lemon.

7. Consume the Fenugreek leaves in good quantity raw as well as boiled.

Fun Fact: Human beings are the only species that die due to eating too much!

8. Lower the intake of rice and wheat flour/bread. You should try consuming Vegetables and salad. Fruit juice is also a good option. You can also try Buttermilk.

9. Do strenuous work, the fat loss will become more consistent.


10. The breakfast should be light. One kind of fruit or fruit juice is desirable. Salad can be your lunch. You can have the milk at dinner. Add dried ginger (5 gm), currant (bloom raisins or Munakka), and some part of fig (Anjeer) to 250 ml and boil. Consume when it’s lukewarm. The idea is not to starve yourself but to eat light nutritious food with less amount of carbohydrates and fats.

11. Become a Vegetarian. Weight loss (in the natural way) with non-veg food is like taking one step forward and two steps backward.

12. Mix 4 teaspoonful of vinegar in a glass of water (250 ml) and consume it every day in the morning on an empty stomach. This is specifically for the abdomen fat loss.

13. Eating boiled Kulthas (Horse Gram or Macrotyloma Uniflorum) reduces the fat from the body.



Make sure, the foods and ingredients are pure and organic. You can read the cautions before taking up the Home Remedies. Pick one remedy (out of remedy number 2, 3, 4, 5, 12) at a time. Try to take a gap of 10-15 days or change the remedy after 2-3 months so that the body doesn’t get addicted to it.

These Ayurveda home remedies are tested on the criterion of time and have no side effects whatsoever. Millions take advantage of these 13 Infallible Ayurvedic Remedies to Lose Weight. Above all, stay happy and joyful in all situations, everything will be alright when the time is ripe. 

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