What in the World is Kapha Dosha

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What is Kapha Dosha?

Kapha dosha in detail

Kapha dosha types

Image: Types of Kapha Dosha and their location in the body

Kapha dosha types in detail

1. Kledaka Kapha

2. Avalambaka Kapha

3. Tarpaka Kapha

4. Shleshaka Kapha

5. Bodhaka Kapha

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha types or subtypes work together

Functions of Kapha Dosha

  • It is responsible for the lubrication of tissues.
  • Also, responsible for the strength of the body.
  • It gives stability and compactness to joints.
  • It is also responsible for stable thinking.

Kapha Body type people

ayurveda body types vata pitta kapha
  • People dominated with kapha dosha put on weight quickly
  • They are often higher weight person
  • They have a Smooth skin
  • Strong hair
  • Deep pleasant voice
  • Sound sleep
  • Poor and sluggish digestion
  • They feel less thirsty
  • They have a strong Immune system
  • But they are more prone to colds, respiratory ailments, and infections.
  • They are intolerant to cold climates.

Kapha dosha Personality traits

  • Kapha-dominated people are calm and loving.
  • They are patient and supportive.
  • Slow in learning. They are usually slow but steady.
  • Possess a long-term memory
  • They are team players
  • You can also find them loyal and tolerant
  • Lazy is a common trait of Kapha dosha’s personality.

Attributes or Qualities of Kapha

  • Cold
  • Moist
  • Heavy
  • Dull
  • Smooth
  • Static
  • Dense
  • Oily
  • Soft
  • Associated tastes are sweet, sour, and salty

Location of Kapha in the body

Factors Aggravating Kapha

  • Lack of exercise and physical activity
  • Oily food
  • Sweet and Fatty foods
  • Fish, meat, dairy products
  • High-calorie foods
  • Excessive liquid foods
  • Excess sleep

Natural factors Aggravating Kapha

  • The early part of the day
  • Immediately after the consumption of food
  • Spring season
  • Childhood

Kapha dosha Imbalance symptoms

  • Slow bowel movement
  • Depressed metabolism
  • Excess mucous
  • Cold, cough, runny nose
  • Lethargy
  • Heaviness in the body
  • Excess body weight
  • Loss of strength
  • Thick white tongue coat
  • Excess urination
  • Cold sweat
  • Oily skin and hair
  • Difficulty rising in the morning
  • Emotional over-eating

Kapha Dosha disease

  1. Obesity
  2. Loss of Appetite
  3. Decreased/unbalanced digestive fire
  4. Urticaria
  5. Pallor
  6. The whiteness of eyes, urine, and stool
  7. Goiter
  8. Drowsiness
  9. Anorexia
  10. Excessive sleep
  11. Lethargy
  12. Heaviness (always)
  13. Faintheartedness/Timidity
  14. Indigestion
  15. Expectoration of mucus
  16. Excessive excretion
  17. Hardened blood vessels
  18. Sweet taste in the mouth (always)
  19. Throat phlegm
  20. Vomiting
  21. Chronic rhinitis
  22. Bronchitis
  23. Salivation
  24. Itching
  25. Horripilation
  26. Ineffectiveness of conscience
  27. Sensations in the ears, eyes, nose, gums, lips, throat, tongue, palate and lips
  28. Cardiac disorders



Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Vata Dosha

Are kapha and kapha dosha the same?

Yes, kapha or kapha dosha are the same. In short, you can say kapha instead of kapha dosha every time.

Is unbalanced kapha called kapha dosha?

No, Kapha is called dosha in both a balanced and unbalanced state.
Unbalanced Kapha is called “vikrutha kapha dosha”. Balanced Kapha is called “prakrutha kapha dosha”.
Dosha is a Sanskrit word that means “fault”, or “that causes problems”.

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