Beware! Are your kids consuming Toxic Milk

Milk – The Complete Food. The Phrase is 100% true if and only if the milk is pure and organic (and not toxic milk).

Welcome to the commercialization, Synthetic milk is a reality. From infant milk powder to flavored milk, nothing is spared from adulteration all over the world.

How can you be so sure about Toxic Milk?

Because the production of milk is more than consumption. To state the example of the largest milk-producing and exporting country in the world- India. The estimated annual production of milk is 140 million liters and the consumption is 640 million liters.

Do the math, How did this 500 million liters of milk come into existence? magic?

Toxic Milk

Still, Disbelieve it?

You can read for yourself- the Chinese Milk scam 51 k kids got sick and the Infamous 19th century Swiss Milk Scandal where 8k infants died of adulterated milk.

WHO warnings to India- If India doesn’t mend the current condition of Adulterated milk, around 85% of the milk/milk products consuming population will get serious diseases like cancer.

Latest Problem

Melamine in Milk

According to WHO, Melamine is a chemical compound used in making glues, laminates, dinnerware, molding compounds, coating, and flame retardants. This is what Wikipedia says about melamine.


To increase the quantity of milk, they introduce water to the milk. But that would fail the laboratory tests on account of protein content lower than the required.

How do you know the protein content of any substance?

Kjeldahl Method– used to determine the protein content in organic substances. It also states that more the nitrogen in a substance more the protein content.

Yes, you got it right, melamine increases the nitrogen levels of milk. 

Now, one would say what about the fat content that too decreases with the addition of water? Well, that fat content is balanced by mixing animal fats (Pig or Cow’s flesh).

Initially, the melamine was mixed in animal food.  Later the milk powder including infant milk powders and now the liquid milk and its products. 

Toxic Milk Mr. Dogo

Most countries did ban this toxic substance. Fortunately, banned in the US (2010) after the Chinese milk scam.  Surprisingly, some allow it to date. 

FSSAI– Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. They made melamine legal in food and edibles. They allow 0.15 mg/liter for liquids and 2.5 mg/kg for solid foods. Wow! 

To conclude, Melamine destroys the kidneys leading to kidney failure. It also makes ROS Chemicals in the cells that can damage the DNA, RNA, lipids, and proteins of the body. 

Other Forms of Synthetic Milk

  • Urea in Milk Adding Detergent powder, vegetable fats, and Urea to water containing specific salts produces synthetic milk. It is similar to natural milk in taste, color, odor, and specific gravity. They add around 1% Urea to make your cup of milk. Drinking this toxic milk leads to Liver damage, Kidney Damage, impaired vision, and major cardiovascular diseases.
  • Likewise, Formalin, Caustic Soda (Sodium hydroxide), Starch, Ammonium Sulphate, Maltodextrin, and Sodium carbonate are regularly used in milk adulteration.

It all started with the water, in the sweet old days, and look where we have arrived with these severe forms of milk adulteration.

Synthetic Milk

What can you do?

  • Kids are direct prey to adulterated milk. Kids consume the most milk of the group (2-11 yrs old) followed by (11-19). So get to know the ways if the milk is adulterated or not. Apply those, and save your children and yourself from the toxic milk.
  • If you find adulteration in milk. Try your best to get organic and pure milk.
  • If you can’t then, dry fruits and legumes are a good alternative for milk.  


When you consume synthetic milk, forget about nutrition. Your liver has to fight against it only to get permanent damage. There are ways to detect various types of milk adulteration. Now we can close our eyes and drink that toxic milk or we become aware and save our kids from life-threatening diseases. 

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