20 Things Ayurveda Strictly Mentions for a Diseased

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Ayurveda advises a diseased person to make some amends for fast treatment and recovery. These changes in lifestyle (for diseased or healthy) will bring about a positive sea change in the physical, mental as well as emotional health. Under no circumstances should a diseased person violate these “Ayurvedic health rules”.

20 Things Ayurveda Strictly Mentions for a Diseased

1. Never consume fruits/fruit juice, excessive oily food, yogurt or citrus things in general at night.

2. Ayurveda strictly tells not to take water right after eating the food especially the oily food. One can drink water 1- 1:30 hour after eating.

3. It is always harmful to indulge in strenuous activity (running, working out, etc.) right after eating, always take some time to rest after you eat.

4. A person should always take a calming walk in the fresh air after dinner. Sleeping right after dinner is an invitation to countless diseases.

5. Always wake up early in the morning and give the body any form of work out. A person always waking up after 6:45 AM can never be healthy and sound.

6. Never take water right after a walk in the hot sun, after strenuous physical work (including workouts), and just after defecating.

7. Never take Ghee (Clarified Butter) and Honey in equal proportions.

8. Don’t consume foods with opposites together like Milk and jackfruit, Milk and curd, Milk and fish, etc.

9. Don’t sleep with socks on. Also, avoid tight clothes while sleeping. Sometimes people tie a piece of cloth around their head (cause of headache), avoid it strictly. 

10. Avoid extremes. Never read in low or too high light, never watch too much of t.v., do not eat too spicy, hot or cold, avoid walking under “burning” sunlight. If you can’t avoid walking under the hot sun, cover your head and ears with a cotton cloth or hat.

FUN FACT: More than 90% of Indian use some form of Ayurvedic medicine.

11. Diseased should always take lukewarm water. Cold air, physical workouts, and anger should also be avoided.

12. Ayurveda mentions that sleep harmonizes Pitta Dosha, massage stabilizes Vata Dosha and vomits balances Kapha Dosha.

13. Always starve a fever.

14. Any Ayurvedic medicine for earache should be used after the sunset or before the sunrise.

15. Again, Avoid excessive food for a diseased person.

16. In case of extreme constipation, prefer mornings than nights to clear stomach with Ayurvedic medicines.

17. A person suffering from indigestion should take Ayurveda medicine after eating.

18. In the case of Epilepsy, Avoid vomiting and fasting.

19. If you have to mix Ayurvedic medicine in a liquid to consume, avoid mixing with tea, coffee and milk rather mix with buttermilk, Coconut water or plain water.

20. Consume asafoetida only after frying in Ghee (Clarified Butter). Use raw asafoetida for massages only.

At last,

These rules apply to healthy people also. A healthy person should also follow the valuable pieces of advice mentioned above to take their health to the zenith. Now, few ‘practical’ people may ask the scientific reasoning behind each point. To them, these are time tested health formulas approved by the sages (ancient scientists).  

So, without a second thought blend these 20 things Ayurveda states, into your day to day life.

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