Can keeping pets benefit your mental health?
The short answer is Yes. Pets can help with your mind but pets can’t cure your depression. With this in mind, let’s study the topic benefits of pets for mental health.
What’s inside this article
Pets’ History
The history of keeping pets or domesticating wild animals(cows/dogs/sheep etc.) dates back to nearly 34000 BCE. Undoubtedly, these animals helped us in our survival and continue to do so. But, do these animals have an impact on your mental health?
Scientific proof that pets improve your mental health
The research was done on the age group (18-70 years old) in Malaysia during the COVID-19 lockdown. Everyone knows people had little to no human interaction during the lockdown.
The result showed that pet owners’ psychological well-being, coping self-efficacy, and positive emotions were slightly higher than that of non-pet owners.
This study was done to know the utility of pet ownership on people living with mental health conditions. The results showed that pet ownership benefits people with mental health conditions. Primarily with the intense connection and secondarily with the emotional support during times of crisis.
This research was done on older homebound adults with cats and dogs as pets. The aim of the study was to know the pet attachment and levels of depressive and loneliness symptoms.
The result showed cat owners had lower depressive symptoms than that of dog owners. Both the dog owner and cat owner holders had equally lower loneliness symptoms. Also, both groups were highly attached to their pets.
The study result shows the positive effects of companion pets on human health and well-being.
This study depicted that walking your dog is associated with Lower BMI, fewer visits to the doctor, and more frequent moderate to rigorous exercise.
A poll about “mental health effects of pets” was conducted with 2200 American adults participating in it. Almost 70% of people participating in the poll had a pet.
The results stated-
69% of the pet owners felt love, support, companionship, and reduced stress and anxiety.
66% of pet owners felt a calming presence and 63% of people stated pets as true friends.
How exactly do pets help with your mental health?
1. Bonding
Pet bonds unconditionally with you. This emotional bonding with the pet stabilizes your emotions and thoughts. Thus the stability of the thoughts makes the mind calm and peaceful.
2. Help you move
Your body should be dynamic and the mind should be static – that’s the key to health.
When you have a pet, you will automatically move more. It could be a walk with the pet or just goofing around in the garden, pets keep us more active. More activity means better health for the body.
A healthy body complements as well as aids a healthy mind.
3. Companionship
The recent horrible experience of the COVID-19 lockdown made many realize the value of the companionship of a pet. Living in isolation was not easy but pets made it bearable.
Hence, this proves that pets can help us keep our minds sane in tough times or isolation.
4. Can fill your empty days with a schedule
Keeping a pet is also a responsibility. You need to feed, bathe, and walk the pet. You need to make appointments with the veterinarian.
As they say, an empty mind is the devil’s worship. Pet keeps you occupied with a specific schedule or simple playful activities. This saves you from doing stupid things you would rather do if you didn’t have a pet.
5. Protection
Whether a protector dog preventing a break-in or a police dog helping catch criminals and sniffing drugs. Pets give a sense of protection relieving the extra stress over the mind. You must see how a cat can dodge and kill a snake. Your cat is quick.
All these protection factors combine to make a positive impact on the mental state of the person.
Are pets good for depression?
There is no study done yet that pets can cure depression. Can they be relieving if you have depression? The answer is yes. They are available for you all the time, unlike human beings. This quality makes them a valuable presence in your life especially when depressed.
They can reduce loneliness, stress, anxiety, and depression. They can encourage exercise, time spent outside, and being social. It’s so easy to strike up a conversation with a stranger in the park who also happens to walk the pets in the park. Also, you release feel-good hormones while petting a pet.
This may improve your overall health. But a pet curing a mental disease is an exaggerated thing you may encounter on the internet.

What pet is best for mental health?
Usually, dogs are the best pets for mental health. It’s because dogs focus all of their attention on you. Therapy dogs do the same in hospitals for mentally challenged patients or even cancer patients.
This doesn’t mean other pets are useless. You can keep your desired pet for yourself and it will work best for you. Cat, Cow, Sheep, or Rabbit or any other pet. All are good as it will calm your mind. A calm mind is a healthy mind.
What kind of pet is right for you?
You must select a pet based on your temperament.
Do you like to go out and socialize? Do you have a dominating personality? Dogs are perfect for you.
Are you a passive person and don’t like to go out much? Cats are perfect for you.
Are you a hard-working person who can manage bigger pets like cows or horses? Go for it.
or if you are trying to change or challenge yourself, you can try a pet that doesn’t match your personality.
Things to keep in mind before keeping/buying a pet
1. Space
Big pets need big spaces while smaller pets can manage in small spaces too. For example- you can’t have two big dogs in a small apartment. A garden or wide open space is desirable for dogs and kids to run around and play.
2. How active are you
Is walking a dog outside feel like a chore to you? then rather keep a cat or fish or a rabbit. Keep in mind that there is no point in keeping a big pet like a horse or cow if you can’t manage them.
3. Time
Are you a super busy person who barely has time to breathe? well, then keeping a pet is not your cup of tea. Pets demand attention, care, and time from you. If you still want to love an animal, you can occasionally pet your friend’s pet or volunteer at an animal shelter.
4. Money
Everything comes at a price. Even if you get the pet as a gift or you adopt a pet from the streets, you still need to spend on their food and health. You need to know your wallet before buying or keeping the pet. A rough estimate will do the job unless you want to keep an exotic pet.
5. Patience
Do you get annoyed by even the slightest of the things then my friend cats are not for you. Cats live like a queen. Similarly, some dog breeds can be annoying. You need to check your patience levels before buying a certain pet. Do your research beforehand, you don’t want to hurt the animal because you are simply annoyed.
Cat vs Dog
The image below shows the characteristics differences between cats and dogs.

Cow as a pet
In India, especially in the countryside, people love cows like their own family members. They feed them, bathe them, and take them out on a free walk in the meadows. The cow in return nurtures the family with nectar-like milk. The milk of Indian Desi cows (A2 cows) is of high medicinal value.
The research says that the people who consume A2 cows’ milk are at a lower risk of diabetes and heart disease than the people who consume the milk of A1 cows or other animals.
A cow is a lovely animal. Try to spend some time with the cows, especially the calves or baby cows. It is reported in rural areas that cows cry if there is a death in the house and even refuse to eat in some cases.
If you have space and some spare time on your hands, try a cow as your next pet. It will be a kind of experience.
What are the benefits of Pets for Kids?
Your kids can learn countless life lessons while raising a pet. Some of the major ones are listed below-
1. Sensible to Life
Kids get to understand that there are lives other than human beings. They get to know that animals have emotions and they can feel the pain too. This makes them sensible to all the other life forms on the planet. They think of the larger view.
2. Mutual Respect
Sooner or later kids learn about the personal space of the animals. They start to respect the space. They get to learn if you don’t bother an animal it won’t bother you at all. This shapes their ability to respect the personal space of a person.
3. Sharing is Caring
The kids learn the saintly trait of sharing. The simple acts of sharing their food as a treat to the animals or allowing the pet to share their room. They get the unimaginable taste of satisfaction of sharing. Indeed, a trait you would want your kids to possess.
4. Companionship and Comfort
Kids and pets bond quite easily due to their innocent trusting nature. Kids usually follow the pet everywhere and vice-versa, kids care for the pets and vice-versa. This builds companionship and a trustable sense of comfort.
5. Protection
Usually, it’s not recommended to leave your kids with pets alone. Sometimes, you absolutely have no choice. In that scenario, pets especially dogs take kids under their “parenthood” and protect the children from strangers or attackers at all costs.
6. Understanding Mortality
You get a new pet, the pet lives life with its own challenges. Then, the pet dies. Kids learn the mortal nature of life around them. They practically realize that every life must die including their parents and them. In other words, it’s a strong life lesson that can entirely change the perspective of your children.
7. Responsibility
This trait is missing in many adults let alone children. Kids taking care of their pets teach them responsibility. They get to know about accountability also.
Pets will definitely benefit the lives of kids better when handled and trained better. Pets can shape them well mentally as well as physically.
Benefits of pets for adults
1. Get outside
Owning a pet means you will get out more often. Walking your pet to the nearest park or simply playing with them in the garden, you are bound to get out more. As a result, you will have an active body.
2. Socialize
Imagine taking your pet to the park and getting into other pet owners. Despite being a stranger, 99.99% of the time you will talk to them and vice-versa. Pet food, veterinarians, and behavior are the most common topics people start their conversation with.
Pets are excellent ice-breakers. Your chances of getting that number/socials get doubled.
3. Loneliness and Anxiety
A pet is a living being. Any loving living being is good for anxiety disorders or loneliness. Your beloved pet doesn’t let you overthink, which makes you feel less anxious and less lonely.
4. Responsibility
Some people become adults but they run from responsibilities like kids. Keeping a pet is a responsibility. Taking it to the veterinary or getting the hair trimmed or simply walking it outside or training it or feeding it on time.
Everything related to it requires you to be responsible. You get to learn to be responsible if you get your favorite pet.
5. Mood
Your mood will suddenly start to be more elated. The goofiness of your pet and the memories will have a direct effect on your mood. You will definitely smile more often.
6. Keep you Busy
Some people have absolutely nothing to do which is fine to some extent. So cleaning the pet’s cage, managing food for the pet, and looking after the pet gives a “meaning” to their lives.
Benefits of pets for old people
The old ones learn a lot through their life experience. Loneliness and protection are the two main points most old people struggle with. A pet can provide both the companionship and the protection to the old ones.
Old people can stay active with their pets. Meet other people with pets. Some pets can also be trained for the emergencies for the old people. A pet can give a whole new meaning to the life of the older ones.
Should you cage the birds as a pet?
Keeping a bird as a pet is fine but keeping a bird in a cage is unacceptable. If you like to walk or run around freely so does the bird wants to fly freely.
You don’t need to imprison birds or in fact, any other pet to love them. You can feed and love the birds without caging them. Try it, it’s possible.
Admire their free flights, not the painful caged chirping. Imagine the mental pain you give to the bird to ease your mental anxiety.
Is a pet the best alternative for mental health?
The truth is No.
Firstly, if you have mental health problems, you must go see a doctor rather than bring a pet home. Secondly, You can explore countless other ways like Meditation, Yoga, hiking, nature therapy, etc. for the betterment of your mental health.
Why do people like pets more than human beings nowadays?
It has become like that for the following reasons-
1. Pets don’t complain like human beings.
2. Pets don’t reply back in insults.
3. Pets don’t criticize you.
4. Pets are “cute”.
5. You can keep or raise pets for your selfish reasons.
6. Pets keep you occupied especially if you live alone.
Pets vs meditation for mental health
Meditation is a far better remedy for mental health issues if you have to make a choice. Pets help soothe and comfort the mind too but mental health is directly proportional to the stillness of the mind. Meditation stills the mind that no pet can.
However, If you can do the meditation while keeping a pet that should be the best scenario.
Negative effects of pets on mental health
A coin has 2 sides. For some people, pets can have a negative impact on their mental health at some moments in time. Let’s look at the factors that can have negative effects.
1. Financial Crisis
The worst-case scenario is when people go broke. They now hardly can care for themselves let alone the pet. Not being able to afford the pet you love like a family member can cause severe anxiety.
2. Housing
Another factor, that puts pressure on the minds of the owners. Living in a small space with the pressure of the landlord, bills, and property damages can cause unwanted headaches.
3. Burden of Ownership
Imagine the guilt a person faces when he or she can’t manage their pet due to countless life factors. The ownership then creates the opposite of mental health.
4. Pet Death
e all know death is inevitable. However, the death of a pet causes mental pain and separation. You don’t want that mental pain over the mental conditions you already have.

Exotic Pets as a Mental Health Aid
It’s a question of common sense. If you are afraid of certain exotic pets, then it will not help you gain your mental balance. Certain people feel their presence comforting and soothing, it may work for them.
As the name suggests, exotic pets are costly and demand extra care and maintenance. If it allows your pocket you can keep exotic pets.
List of popular exotic pets-
- Bengal Cat
- Wallaby
- Degu
- Green Iguana
- Fennec Fox
- Bearded Dragon
- Chinchilla
- Chimpanzee
- Sugar Glider
- Ball and Burmese Python
- Parrots
- Hyacinth Macaw
- Leopard Gecko
- Tarantulas
Pets can help with your mental health with or without any mental condition. Keeping a pet benefits all age groups. Consider keeping a pet that suits your personality. Train your pet to avoid any mis-happening like biting a stranger. Also, teach your kids how to behave around a pet or an animal. Take special care of an infant or toddler around the pet.
You must see a doctor if you feel you have some mental health issue. Don’t just rely on your pet. There are other alternatives like Yoga, Meditation, and nature therapy to boost your mental health.
FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions about pets (People Also ask)
You release feel-good hormones when you pet your dog or pet. You get emotionally connected with your dog and your dog supports you emotionally when you face difficult times. All this results in reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.
Yes, it will be helpful. Don’t expect the pet will cure your depression. Think of it as an aid and not a cure.
You may, you just have to be extra careful. Never leave your toddler alone with the pet.
You may volunteer at Animal Shelters. Pet/walk your friends’/neighbor/relative’s pet. You can become a pet sitter professionally. If you really really love animals, street animals are always in need of help.
It depends on the kids and pets. Is the pet well-trained to be around kids? Are kids mature enough or well-taught to be around the pet? If both the conditions are fulfilled then Yes, otherwise No.
No. You must not leave a toddler alone in the first place.
It depends on the maturity of the kids and the training and size of the pet. However, veterinarians suggest a minimum age of 11 years for kids to be around pets alone.
First, check the person. Call an ambulance in case of serious injury. Tell if your pet had vaccinations. Next, try to compromise and compensate the bitten person. Know the law in your state or country, and comply according to the law.
It’s an absolute must. You don’t want your pet to bite strangers in social situations.
Dogs think in packs. They see you as the leader of the pack or they become the leader of the pack. Basically, they see you as a dog.
Cats think of you as a cat. It may think of you as a mother cat feeding and taking care of it.
No. But it will help in the process. You will feel comfortable and calm in your mind. Think of it as an aid and not a cure.
Respect its personal space, eg. don’t touch its genitals. Some pets don’t like petting while eating. Don’t provoke it to harm other people. Don’t let it be without discipline and training.
You. You didn’t train it well.
Physically hurting the animal, starving the pet, caging or abandoning the pet.
In 1993, five freedoms of the animals came into existence suggested for the owners of the pets.
1. Freedom to express normal behavior.
2. Freedom from fear and distress.
3. Freedom from discomfort.
4. Freedom from hunger and thirst.
5. Freedom from pain, injury, and disease.
Don’t touch its genitals. Avoid putting your hands or other body parts in their mouth. Don’t try to wrestle with the pet. Don’t pet it while the pet is eating. Teach the kids to read the behavior of the pet.
A Racehorse named Green Monkey sold for $US 16 million in 2006.
It’s a Cruel business. Profits are put before the health of the animals.
Search for “pet sitter near me” on the internet/Google. You may call your local animal shelters or veterinarians if they offer pet-sitting services.
No. It would be too harsh for the pet and yourself.
Great post! It talks very well and complete about what we need to know about pets and mental healthy.